3/23/2020: Can PASRR requirements be waived during an emergency? FAQ
PASRR requirements cannot be waived or suspended in an emergency unless the state receives authority to do so under an 1135 waiver. Under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act, the HHS Secretary may be authorized to take certain actions during eligible major disasters or emergencies. These actions may include temporarily waiving or modifying certain Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) requirements to help meet the needs of eligible individuals and providers living in emergency areas. Additional information about 1135 waivers can be found on the Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities webpage on Medicaid.gov, located at: https://www.medicaid.gov/state-resource-center/disaster-response-toolkit/cms-1135-waivers/index.html.​
3/9/2020: 2019 PASRR National Report REPORT
This report examines two new analyses. It examines the prevalence of problematic behavioral symptoms among PASRR-identified individuals compared with NF residents who have not been PASRR-identified and the prevalence of dementia among individuals with an SMI. This report also continues to examine the ability of PASRR programs across the country to track the kinds of data that would support quality monitoring and quality improvement (QM/QI) and analyzes data in the Minimum Data Set (MDS) to assess the number and percentages of NF residents identified under PASRR with an SMI or an ID/RC.
2/25/2020: E-PASRR systems – Key considerations and resources for state to state consultation FAQ
There is no specific CFR guidance regarding how states meet the tracking and recordkeeping requirements. A Finding from the 2018 National Report: A Review of PASRR programs indicate that states are beginning to rely on electronic systems rather than paper-based systems. A number of states with internal or vendor-provided e-PASRR systems have agreed to be a resource for state to state consultation around their e-PASRR experience. A full listing of the states and a contact person may be found on the following e-PASRR Resource Guide.