March 9, 2020
2019 PASRR National Report
The enclosed 2019 report (below) is the 8th State Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Policies and Procedures PTAC has produced. The report was prepared by the PASRR Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), a partnership between IBM Watson Health and Mission Analytics Group, under contract to CMS. This report also includes two new analyses. The first examines the prevalence of problematic behavioral symptoms among PASRR-identified individuals compared with NF residents who have not been
PASRR-identified. The second details the prevalence of dementia among individuals with an SMI. People with primary dementia and secondary SMI are statutorily excluded from PASR identification (Section 1919(e)(7)(G)(i).
This eighth PASRR National Report provides data on the following:
•The ability of states to track data that may support quality monitoring and quality improvement (QM/QI);
•The prevalence of SMI and ID/RC in NFs across the country, as recorded in the Minimum Data Set (MDS) in the PASRR identification items as well as in other diagnostic items;
•The percentages of individuals who exhibit problematic behavioral symptoms toward themselves or others, as recorded in the MDS; and
•The percentages of NF residents with an SMI who have dementia, whose Level IIevaluations may be terminated early when the dementia is primary (42 CFR 483.128(m)).
Please download the 2019 PASRR National Report below.
Download: 2019 PASRR National Report