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Below are the components of the PASRR process. Click on the titles to read more or to find related resources.

This section contains information and guidance on PASRR-specific interstate and interagency agreements.

PASRR ensures that individuals are evaluated for evidence of possible mental illness, intellectual disability, or related conditions prior to admission to nursing facilities.

An effective state PASRR response to a local, regional, or state emergency depends on nursing facilities having addressed their responsibilities for emergency preparedness and the state having out-of-state arrangement agreements in place in the event it needs to use nursing facilities in another state.

States are eligible for federal reimbursement for activities associated with their PASRR programs.

Federal rules and regulations regarding PASRR.

The purpose of a Level I is to identify anyone who may be eligible for PASRR and to make referrals to the Level II evaluators.

The purpose of a Level II evaluation is to confirms that an individual has a mental illness or intellectual disability and to assess the need for additional services. â€‹

The Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 is a core set of screening, clinical, and functional status elements that support a comprehensive assessment for all nursing facility residents.

One of PASRR's primary goals is to ensure that individuals with mental illness or intellectual disability are placed appropriately, whether in the community or a nursing facility.

HIPAA permits providers to disclose protected health information (PHI) to other providers who are caring for, or providing services to, the same individual without consent.

PASRR program authorities can use quality improvement frameworks, principles, and tools to monitor and assess their programs.

The Code of Federal Regulations requires states to retain PASRR records.

Resident Review (RR) refers to a Level II evaluation and determination for individuals already residing in a nursing facility.

“Specialized Services" refers to any service or support that a particular nursing facility resident requires due to mental illness, intellectual disability or related condition that supplements the typical scope of services that the nursing facility provides.

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