Operating under a contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), PTAC’s team of seasoned consultants have years of experience working on behalf of CMS to provide effective technical assistance to state PASRR programs. Their areas of expertise include mental and behavioral health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, person-centered PASRR evaluations, financing of PASRR Specialized Services, nursing facility care planning, PASRR-related data analysis, and the intersection of PASRR and Olmstead compliance.

Frank L. Tetrick, III
Lead CMS PTAC Consultant:
PTAC Consultant: Southern and Western Region
Frank L. Tetrick serves as a Senior Analyst on technical assistance (TA) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services PASRR Technical Assistance Center (CMS PTAC). He has provided PASRR TA to states since 2011. As lead CMS PTAC Consultant, he collaborates with and supports a team that provides PASRR TA to all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Frank provides primary PASRR consultation to the states in the Western and Southern CMS Regions and also serves as lead consultant on matters related to Specialized Services.
Frank has prepared or facilitated multiple PASRR related webinars and developed “PASRR Frequently Asked Questions” posted to the CMS PTAC website. His 30 plus years of community and state executive experience in developing and evaluating the quality of community-based mental health, intellectual disability, and substance abuse programs gives Frank unique insight to the challenges state authorities and their contract providers encounter in developing and managing PASRR programs.
During his tenure as Assistant Commissioner for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Frank promoted and advanced a statewide intellectual disability initiative with emphasis on person-centered planning and treatment, including services in state facilities and state licensed home and community-based service providers. His overall experience at the community and state level gives Frank a balanced perspective on how best to improve systems of care that support individuals in the most community-integrated settings possible.

Teja Stokes serves as a Senior Analyst on technical assistance (TA) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services PASRR Technical Assistance Center (CMS PTAC). She provides primary PASRR consultation to the states in the Central CMS Region. In this role, she provides a broad range of technical assistance (TA) to states on issues related to Medicaid structure and quality, organizational success strategies, and effective service modalities. Ms. Stokes’ nearly 30 years of experience in home and community-based services (HCBS) program development, implementation, quality, and policy provides the understanding and expertise to support state authorities and contract providers in developing and managing PASRR programs.
Ms. Stokes is the Deputy Executive Director at the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS). Prior to joining NASDDDS, she served as a Director in the Government Health and Human Services division at IBM Watson Health where she led many federal and state projects aimed at providing direct TA in HCBS, Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR), beneficiary engagement and quality of care. She has held various positions within Virginia state government, where she supported Medicaid policy development, community-based behavioral health services, and provision of developmental disabilities services. Ms. Stokes offers more than 25 years of experience in change management, including quality improvement, process mapping, strategic planning, process improvement, and group facilitation helping community-based service systems advance quality outcomes for people receiving integrated services and supports.
Teja S. Stokes
CMS PTAC Consultant: Central and Eastern Region