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November 18, 2014

Managed Care Organizations: Key Partners in a State PASRR Program - The Delaware Experience

The November 2014 PASRR webinar "Managed Care Organizations: Key Partners in a State PASRR Program - The Delaware Experience" occurred on Tuesday, November 18th, at 1 PM EST (10 AM PST).

The webinar was presented by Frank Tetrick of the PASRR Technical Assistance Collaborative and Mary Murabito of Delaware.

A PDF copy of the slides is available at the bottom of the page.

Synopsis of the Topic:

This presentation will review the expanding role of MCO’s in managing LTSS, how their roles changes the PASRR partnership in states, and describe how Delaware engaged MCO’s in the state’s PASRR system. The presentation will highlight specific efforts Delaware made to engage MCO’s in their PASRR program and review some of the lessons learned to date.


Frank Tetrick

Mr. Tetrick has served as a consultant for the PASRR Technical Assistance since 2011. Frank has previously served as a consultant to Values Option, a managed care company based in Virginia and he has worked closely with Delaware as they engaged managed care organizations in the PASRR planning process.

Mary Murabito

Ms. Murabito has been a Registered Nurse in the State of Delaware since 1985. She has worked for the State’s Divisions of Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health, and the past 21 years with the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance. During this time, she worked in a variety of DMMA nursing positions, and she is currently the Nurse Supervisor for Delaware's DMMA PASRR Unit.

Acknowledgment of Commercial Support

There was no commercial support received for this CME activity.

Objectives - After attending this program, participants should be able to:

• Summarize national trends to use managed care companies (MCO’s) for the management of LTSS.
• Describe how the presence of MCO’s changes the traditional model of PASRR partnerships.
• Summarize the purpose, history and current status of MCO development in Delaware.
• Identify steps the Delaware Medicaid Authority has taken to engage MCO’s in PASRR strategic planning and linkage with other key stakeholders.
• Describe Delaware strategies to enlist MCO’s in facilitating access to specialized services.
• Summarize “lessons learned” from the Delaware transition to MCO LTSS.
• Describe key principles that Delaware will pursue for strengthening their PASRR program.

Bibliographic Sources: Please see presentation slides

Copyright: All faculties in this activity have given their permission for publication.

© 2014 Mission Analytics Group, LLC

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