November 7, 2014
2014 National Report: Level I Tools and MDS
The enclosed 2014 report (below) updates the 2013 Review of State Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Policies and Procedures. The report was prepared by the PASRR Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), under contract to CMS.
The results of this review presents a snapshot of PASRR programs as of August 2014, with a primary focus on the comprehensiveness of Level I tools and an analysis of Minimum Data Set (MDS) data. The survey does not capture any aspects of program implementation or performance.
The report shows that many state Level I initial screens have insufficient or overly restrictive triggers that hinder the identification of all individuals who should be referred to Level II. Detailed fact sheets were sent out to each state on the review of their Level I screen. Level I review results were validated by the analysis of MDS data, showing that many nursing facility residents with serious mental illness have not been appopriately identified by PASRR.