February 14, 2023
Collaborative Partnerships- The Key to an Effective PASRR Program
This webinar will focus on the role of the state Medicaid agency and other state authorities in the administration of the Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) program, reflecting on the role a collaborative PASRR system to ensure adherence to the federal regulations and maximize the effectiveness of the state PASRR program.
Attendees will learn:
• The importance of the role of the state Medicaid agency and other state authorities in the administration of the PASRR program.
• To identify PASRR stakeholders and their role in maximizing the effectiveness of the state’s PASRR program.
• The importance of a collaborative PASRR system that can ensure adherence to PASRR regulations regarding timely screenings and evaluations, identification and coordination of needed specialized services, responsive resident reviews, out of state placement, successful use of PASRR for nursing facility (NF) diversion and transition, and program quality.