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November 10, 2020

Good Practices for Adopting Waiver Services in the Nursing Facility Benefit: A Specialized Services State Plan Amendment

Webinar description:
This webinar will focused on how states can use a Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) to include Home and Community-Based Waiver Services (HCBS) in the nursing facility benefit to support individuals with PASRR conditions through specialized services. 

1. Understand the importance of continuity of care for individuals with PASRR conditions.
2. Understand the array of waiver-like services that states have made accessible to individuals while they are residing in a nursing facility.
3. Understand the role of specialized services in advancing continuity of care.
4. Understand how a State Plan Amendment can incorporate waiver-like services into a state’s nursing facility benefit. 

Speaker bio- Frank Tetrick
Frank L. Tetrick has provided PASRR technical assistance (TA) to states since 2011. As our lead TA consultant, he collaborates with and supports a team that provides PASRR technical assistance to all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Frank provides primary PASRR consultation to the states in the Western CMS Region and he serves as lead consultant on matters related to Specialized Services.

Frank has prepared or facilitated multiple PASRR related webinars and developed “PASRR Frequently Asked Questions” posted to the PTAC website. His 30+ years of community and state executive experience in developing and evaluating the quality of community-based mental health, intellectual disability, and substance abuse programs gives Frank unique insight to the challenges state authorities and their contract providers can encounter in developing and managing PASRR programs.

During his tenure as Assistant Commissioner for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Frank promoted and advanced a statewide intellectual disability initiative with emphasis on person-centered planning and treatment, including services in State facilities and State licensed HCBS providers. His overall experience at the community and state level gives Frank a balanced perspective on how best to improve systems of care that support individuals in the most community-integrated settings possible.

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