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June 10, 2014

Innovations from Ohio: Recovery Requires a Community

The June 2014 PASRR webinar "Innovations from Ohio: Recovery Requires a Community" occurred on Tuesday, June 10th, at 2 PM EST (11 AM PST).

The webinar was led by Adam Anderson of the Recovery Requires a Community Program in Ohio.

You can download a PDF copy of the PowerPoint slides at the bottom of the page.

Synopsis of the Topic:

Recovery Requires a Community is a program through the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services that provides services to individuals with behavioral health diagnoses who wish to live in the community. The program aims to enforce the Olmstead decision and also reduce service delivery cost for the state of Ohio. Adam W. Anderson, chief architect and manager of the Recovery Requires a Community Program, will present on how the program works and how the program could be replicated in other states.


Adam Anderson is one of the chief architects of the Recovery Requires a Community Program. Since starting his role, Adam has worked to increase the partnerships between multiple agencies to help provide resources to individuals who need them the most. He also oversees both the process to provide money and services to individuals in institutional settings that desire to move to community, as well as processes to develop new programs to eliminate system gaps for the most vulnerable. Before Recovery Requires a Community, Adam worked as the Housing Coordinator of the HOME Choice program, as well as with the Ohio Housing Finance Agency in the research office and in the Planning department in the City of Dublin, Ohio.

Acknowledgement of Commercial Support

There was no commercial support received for this CME activity.

Objectives - After attending this program, participants should be able to:

• Discuss the importance of developing community resources to the Money Follows the Person program and wider long-term services systems.
• Describe the parties involved in housing development for PASRR.
• Summarize the current housing market for context.
• List strategies used to create previous housing developments for person with disabilities.
• Relay information on community housing for individuals with disabilities.

Bibliographic Sources: Please see presentation slides

Copyright: All faculties in this activity have given their permission for publication.

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