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February 14, 2012

Partnering with Hospitals for Meeting Patients' Needs

February 2012 PASRR Webinar

You can download a PDF version of the presentation slides at the bottom of this webpage.

Acknowledgment of Commercial Support: There is no commercial support for this activity.


Introduction: Review of PASRR - OBRA 1987 & Review of steps in the discharge process for a patient moving from acute care to a post-acute provider (15 minutes)
Federal Regulations that apply to the discharge of patients: HIPAA (Privacy, Conditions of Participation for Discharge Planning, COP for Utilization Review - section on appropriateness of next level of care, Social Security Act 1802- Patient's Rights. (15 minutes).
Barriers to completion of PASRR Level I: Access to forms, lack of training for new staff, lack of clarity in what constitutes history of MI/MR (ID), need to collaborate with patient's physician. (15 minutes)
Barriers to completion of PASRR Level II: Waiting for response, selection of clinician for Level II, coordination of appointment for completion of Level II while patient still in acute care. (10 minutes)
Strategies to overcome barriers: Staff orientation (new staff), in-service training (existing staff), on-line training, PASRR expectation in job descriptions, State coordinator feedback to hospital staff through hospital association, local meetings, national meetings, case management blogs. (20 min)
Questions and answers (15 min)

Objectives - After attending this program, participants should be able to:

• List Federal rules and regulations that overlap with the OBRA 1987 – PASRR rule.
• Identify barriers that hospitals encounter when conducting the PASRR Level I and Level II screens.
• List strategies that both hospitals and PASRR coordinators can use to manage the barriers.

Principal Faculty and Credentials: Jackie Birmingham, RN, BSN, MS, CMAC

Bibliographic Sources: Please see the attached document titled "PASRR Partner 2-14-2012 Birmingham.pdf"

Copyright: All faculty in this activity have given their permission for publication. © 2012 Mission Analytics Group, LLC

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