October 9, 2012
Promoting Emotional Health & Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for Senior Living Communities
The October PASRR webinar was held on Tuesday, October 9 at 1-2:30PM Eastern (10AM Pacific) and featured Mich Magness from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
You can download a PDF version of the presentation slides at the bottom of this webpage.
Synopsis of the Topic
Mr. Magness discussed the recently released SAMHSA Toolkit designed to help staff, family, and older adults living in senior living communities identify the warning signs in order to prevent, intervene, and/or respond to the aftermath of a senior suicide.
Acknowledgment of Commercial Support: There is no commercial support for this activity.
A. Introduction (13 mins)
B. Toolkit Overview and Three Levels (16 mins)
C. Toolkit Dissemination and Uses (13 mins)
D. Prevention Population Approach (10 mins)
E. At-Risk Approach (10 mins)
F. Crisis Response Approach (18 mins)
Objectives - After attending this program, participants should be able to:
• Analyze the complete toolkit and/or individual parts
• State the three levels of Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
• Discuss the toolkit to internal staff & external partners
• Develop a whole population prevention-based approach for seniors
• Explain how to train staff & family to intervene to prevent a suicide with at-risk seniors exhibiting warning signs of suicidal ideation
• Respond appropriately and sensitively to a senior suicide while preventing contagion
Principal Faculty and Credentials: Mich Magness, BA, MAG
Bibliographic Sources: Please see presentation slides
Copyright: All faculty in this activity have given their permission for publication. © 2012 Mission Analytics Group, LLC