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November 10, 2015

Screens to Detect Common Behavioral Health Conditions

The November 2015 PASRR webinar "Screens to Detect Common Behavioral Health Conditions" occurred on Tuesday, November 10th, at 1 PM EST (10 AM PST).

The webinar was presented by Richard Sanderson, Director and CEO of Integrated Health Initiatives, LLC.

A PDF copy of the slides is available at the bottom of this page.

Synopsis of the Topic:

This presentation will define the prevalence of behavioral health (BH) conditions in our culture, address frequently occurring co-morbid health conditions that often obscure their detection and subsequent treatment, and introduce validated screening tools that are successfully used to detect many BH conditions across settings. Appropriate times and environments to utilize the screenings will be discussed with a particular emphasis on the potential value of integrating BH screenings into PASRR Level I evaluations.


Richard Sanderson

Richard Sanderson has served as a staff psychologist in a community-based mental health service system where he was responsible for conducting psychological and intellectual assessments for persons being considered for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. In this role, he utilized validated assessment tools as part of the protocol for SSDI assessments.

Mr. Sanderson has also provided on-site mental health services in a primary care setting that included helping physicians integrate BH screenings in the course of patient evaluations and when BH conditions were suspected. The results of these screenings often generated referral for further evaluation.

Currently, as an independent consultant, Mr. Sanderson provides consultation services to primary care physicians, accountability care and managed service organizations, and employer groups to identify undetected or unmanaged mental health conditions through the use of validated screening tools; implement interventional protocols intended to improve treatment outcomes; and effectively identify and address gaps in the delivery of healthcare services.

Mr. Sanderson has served as executive director of a counseling center focused on the needs of persons and families struggling with the impact of life threatening disease. He has also served as director of quality improvement for a comprehensive mental health system and on numerous community-based committees focused on the protection of the human rights of persons with mental and physical disabilities.

Acknowledgment of Commercial Support

There was no commercial support received for this CME activity.

Bibliographic Sources: Please see presentation slides

Copyright: All faculties in this activity have given their permission for publication.

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