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September 18, 2012

Tennessee’s Creating Homes Initiative: Creating Safe, Affordable Homes for People Living with Mental Illness

The September PASRR webinar was held on Tuesday, September 18 at 1-2:30PM Eastern (10AM Pacific) and featured Bob Currie.

You can download a PDF version of the presentation slides at the bottom of this webpage.

Synopsis of the Topic

Mr. Currie discussed the need for and process for creating affordable supportive housing opportunities for people living with severe mental illness and low incomes.

Acknowledgment of Commercial Support: There is no commercial support for this activity.


Introduction (7 mins)
Define terms
Quotes and stats on need
Creating Homes initiative (CHI) (13 mins)
Mission, goals, and history
Current outcomes
4 examples of CHI housing projects (15 mins)
Supportive housing project funding needs and strategies (5 mins)
5 categories of CHI funding partners (5 mins)
Conclusion (5 mins)
Q&A Period (40 mins)
Objectives - After attending this program, participants should be able to:

• Describe the need for affordable supportive housing opportunities for people living with severe mental
illness and low income
• Describe the mission, history, and current results of Tennessee’s Creating Homes Initiative (CHI)
• Describe the CHI process for creating affordable supportive housing opportunities for people with severe
mental illness and low income
• Describe at least 3 affordable supportive housing development strategies and 4 housing funding sources

Principal Faculty and Credentials: Bob Currie, MSSW

Bibliographic Sources: Please see presentation slides

Copyright: All faculty in this activity have given their permission for publication. © 2012 Mission Analytics Group, LLC

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