- Jul 8, 2018
In a preadmission screen, what counts as recent information?
For a variety of reasons, including the availability of evaluators, it may not always be possible to perform a complete psychiatric...
- Jul 1, 2018
If a nursing facility resident with mental illness or intellectual disability is admitted to a hospital for a short time and then wishes to return to the facility, must a Level II evaluation bE...
If a nursing facility resident with mental illness or intellectual disability is admitted to a hospital for a short time and then wishes...
- Mar 8, 2018
How quickly must resident reviews be completed?
Originally, Resident Reviews—Level II post-admission evaluations—had to be conducted annually; hence, the original name of the program...
- Mar 7, 2018
What are the timing requirements for Level I and Level II?
The CFR does not specify how quickly Level I's must be completed, and with good reason: There is no baseline against which to establish...